How to close the great distance between people
March has gone by so quick. I say this every month, it seems -- and by the time March has gone by so quick, it means that 2017 has started to go by so quick as well.
Part of me thinks part of age is a diminishing ability to approximate time: but I remember elementary school summers, too, when three calendar months seemed infinite -- until one morning you shake yourself awake, wipe the drowsiness from your eyes, and discover that September has burst into your living room.
I guess time is always going by so quick.
I've been sick this week, which has been bad. Not really sick -- just a persistent cold. (Things could be worse.)
It's been sunny the past few days, though, which has been good. We went to Wandering Goose and got fried chicken and biscuits; we walked through the farmers market and saw dozens of dogs. (M saw her first Dalmatian!).
I'm writing this from a new coffee shop, Ghost Note Coffee -- it's good. Their password is a Coltrane album, which seems like a quiet shibboleth.
One of these days I'll figure out if the trick is to make time go faster or to make it go slower. Maybe the trick is to not pay attention to the passage of time at all.
Jim Moore (from Underground: New and Selected Poems
AN ARTICLE: Acing the Technical Interview
If you want to get a job as a software witch, you’re going to have to pass a whiteboard interview. We all do them, as engineers–often as a part of our morning ritual, along with arranging a beautiful grid of xterms across the astral plane, and compulsively running ls in every nearby directory–just in case things have shifted during the night–the incorporeal equivalent of rummaging through that drawer in the back of the kitchen where we stash odd flanges, screwdrivers, and the strangely specific plastic bits: the accessories, those long-estranged black sheep of the families of our household appliances, their original purpose now forgotten, perhaps never known, but which we are bound to care for nonetheless. I’d like to walk you through a common interview question: reversing a linked list.
~ Kyle Kingsbury (aka @aphyr), from
AN ILLUSTRATOR: James Gilleard.
Look how beautiful these are. Like, holy shit:
View all of James' work here.
Happy Sunday. I hope you find a new favorite way to relax.